
Showing posts from March, 2021

Pandemic Year in Review: Teachers are Resilient and Resourceful

One year ago after finishing a normal week of school we head home only to receive the announcement that all schools will be closed for 2 weeks while we flatten the curve.  We prepared for 2 weeks of mitigation to our curriculum but changed to the end of the school year and into the next, but in the end we came out with new amazing skills that we would never have otherwise acquired. Being in education technology for the past 20 years in Culinary Arts and Hospitality I have seen the landscape of teaching change through the use of technology but nothing like what I have seen in the past year.  Instantly teachers banded together over social networks and with a generous attitude, shared ideas and ways to teach students remotely and make the best of an unprecedented situation and I feel that education as a whole benefited from this shakeup. For over 2 decades I firmly believe that technology needs to be integrated into our education system and not just used as a patchwork of tools. ...