
Pandemic Year in Review: Teachers are Resilient and Resourceful

One year ago after finishing a normal week of school we head home only to receive the announcement that all schools will be closed for 2 weeks while we flatten the curve.  We prepared for 2 weeks of mitigation to our curriculum but changed to the end of the school year and into the next, but in the end we came out with new amazing skills that we would never have otherwise acquired. Being in education technology for the past 20 years in Culinary Arts and Hospitality I have seen the landscape of teaching change through the use of technology but nothing like what I have seen in the past year.  Instantly teachers banded together over social networks and with a generous attitude, shared ideas and ways to teach students remotely and make the best of an unprecedented situation and I feel that education as a whole benefited from this shakeup. For over 2 decades I firmly believe that technology needs to be integrated into our education system and not just used as a patchwork of tools. ...

Culinary Teacher Meeting #9 Wrap-up: Sending Food Kits and Engagement Strategies

Our ninth meeting was full of inspirational ideas again as we adapt to our changing environments and try to keep kids engaged and on track academically.  This meeting focused on a few critical areas. Uplifting students and teachers. Sending ingredient kits home. Skirting liability. Toxic Positivity. Fundraising success stories.   Here’s the video for the 9th meeting.   During the meeting we watched Chef Laith Morse prepare a demo for his students.   He was generous to share all the videos he made for his students during distance learning.   Find it here.   Leslie Hudson-Gordon shares an inspirational article about toxic positivity!   A very good read.   All resources and previous meeting are located here in one spot and updated every meeting. https://kpcurricu...

Town Hall #8 Wrapup: An amazing 2 hour discussion from Culinary Arts Teachers

Now we are a few weeks into the school year, teachers have faced unprecedented challenges to their profession as they and their students adapt to the pandemic.  This wonderful 2 hour session is full of hope, inspiration and ideas as each one of use tackles the new normal with creative solutions that will put MacGyver to shame. The meeting starts off with some quick tips on memory and bandwidth management then moves into other topics on infection response and sanitation processes.   Lisa Dantzler shared a miracle sanitation product called Oxivir which her entire district adopted.   Here’s the recording of #8 and chat log. All resources and previous meeting are located here in one spot and updated every meeting. Sign up for future Town Hall meetings. We are using Zoom to register these meetings which will happen on Wednesday every 2 weeks.   ...

Culinary Town Hall #8 September 30 and TH#7 write-up

 Next Week Culinary Town Hall #8 and TH#7 write-up What a rollercoaster ride it has been for the start of the 2020 school year.   We have been faced with new challenges but collectively we have solutions. Here is the recording from last week’s meeting where you all shared your challenges and creative ideas to overcome the limitations of Online and Hybrid learning while maintaining rigor and engagement. Debbie Bates shared many items she uses to help with Knife Skills without the ability to use knives or products.   Here’s a LINK to what she shared. All resources and previous meeting are located here in one spot and updated every meeting. The next Town Hall will be September 30.   We are having this every 2 weeks at the same time every Wednesday.   I’m ...

Debbie Bates Sharing her Knife Skills Resources During Town Hall #7 Back to School

Here's the items mentioned by Debbie Bates during Town Hall #7.  Thank you Debbie for sharing. Nai, Great meeting as usual.  My recipe is at school will send tomorrow.  Here are the products we talked about.   Debbie Best $1.50 you will spend on Teacherspayteachers  I love this for teaching knife skills.  I have a tight budget and the cut dough plus the template placemat was great.  I laminated the placemat and it works great with the cut dough or it makes grading with actual vegetables in skills lab very easy . Amazon Using these knives with cut dough to send home for students to practice.   I ordered these for my Baking and Pastry Class Seniors.  It is a good beginning set.  The quality for the price of everything you get was decent.    I also ordered them a wilton practice board.  Each year we are given money from student fees that have to been spent on them individually so this is what I ordered for my s...

Culinary Teacher Town Hall #6: Back to School Stories and Challenges

Town Hall #6 Recording IS HERE!  Watch it now and witness the horror stories. Here’s the Chat Log During the hour long meeting teachers from all over the country shared the hoops they are being made to jump through while teaching online/hybrid or in person.  What’s shocking to me is the stance California took to not mandate cameras on in meetings so it’s impossible to take attendance.  Other teacher were told that day “No Cutting” so no knife skills and many no cooking, while others were given free rein to teach however they want.  It’s all over the board here.  We are looking forward to our next meeting in 2 weeks to discover how these teachers overcame the limitations. Don’t’ forget to ask for a Certificate of Participation T here were many links shared during the session in Chat which you can view HERE . Here are a few links mentioned...

Help from Valerie Fry-Ramirez on ZOOM and TEAMS

Valerie Fry-Ramirez was nice enough to offer her help to any teacher wanting to use ZOOM or TEAMS more effectively.  Here's her message. Hi Everyone,   I created a Google Drive and uploaded the documents I created. I hope this helps. Please feel free to give me feedback. Constructive criticism is welcome. I would like to make this as helpful as possible. drive/folders/ 1TtQ6gBE27N2EBQD6b4impFUSJYDOV IRE?usp=sharing   Sincerely,   Valerie Fry-Ramirez Business Liaison, Career Technical Education Center (CTEC) 3501 Portland Rd NE, Salem, OR, 97301 Salem Area Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Salem-Keizer School District Cell Phone: 971-240-3845