First Teacher Round Table a SUCCESS!!!

Our first Teacher Round Zoom Table was a sensational success!

"Teacher therapy" "Inspirational" "I got more out of this than any meetings I've had" "It's nice to hear what other states are doing." Yes, the video is over an hour and a half but just ask any teacher who participated it was worth every minute, and I didn't do much of the talking! Imagine being captivated for over an hour in a discussion about what we will need to prepare for come Fall. Sit back, relax and listen to this session and get inspired.
Share this with any teacher who needs inspiration and mention it's totally worth it.
Everyone agreed that we need to do this again, so I will schedule another one after the 4th.
Please say what you thought about this session!
Session begins at 6:00 with chit chat about BBQ & Chinese food in the beginning.


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