Teachers Feelings on Going Back to School Survey Results July 2020

July 2020 Teacher Survey Results

What do you think about this? Please comment below!
You can take the survey here.  I will periodically update it every 10 new entries

Here's the video of the discussion.

Forms response chart. Question title: If you were told to go back to F2F while the state doesn't qualify under CDC guidelines.... Number of responses: 104 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: What are your school's plans for opening?  Chose all that apply.. Number of responses: 104 responses.

Low to High

Forms response chart. Question title: How apprehensive are you going back to school?. Number of responses: 105 responses.

Survey Results Other Models of Re-Entry

Highlights are statements that stood out.
Students get to choose 5 days face to face or all on line
Our "plan" has changed three times in the past 7 days
Students have the online option, they will have to connect daily for direct instructions.
PAents have choice....Brick and Mortar or online.
TBD, they are having a second special board meeting tomorrow
Distance till end of Jan
Unsure yet
F2F beginning Sept. 8
Still have not heard final details
We are virtual until sept 29
Virtual until Sept 14th; hybrid after that...Some student f2f some completely Virtual
A/B- A comes in person Monday and Thursday. B comes in person Tuesday and Friday. Wednesday is for RTI, makeup testing and teacher planning.
No plan in place yet.
They are sending out a parent survey so things might change again
A/B: A goes on Mon/Thurs. All online Wednesday B goes Tues/Fri, other times online
A/B A goes M/W; B goes T/Th. Friday is virtual for all
Parents/students get to choose whether they want to be face to face or online synchronous (zoomed into live class)
In person 5 days, situational making and social distancing
I looked at retiring, but can’t afford to yet!
Still waiting for definite
Undecided until Aug 10. All options above possible
Edgenuity classes will be implemented by all disciplines.
Option for families. Remote or in person
Parents got to choose, in person, no social distancing but students wear masks, on line, or virtual. If you choose virtual it’s a year long commitment. Other choices can switch every 9 weeks. Teachers are at school doing in person, online, or both. I do both because I’m the only Culinary 1 instructor.
Level 1&2 ELL and some who qualify for SpEd services per IEP TEAM MTG
I was already teaching virtually for the company I work for. However, I do not know what the schools we contract with are doing currently.
According to the school board we will be back 5 days in person, but an official meeting, notice, email with ant thoughts or plans has yet to be given to staff. We start in 4 weeks
K-2 in class, spread out across the building. 3-12 remote for 2 weeks, then will reevaluate.
In person but students can choose to be virtual, but I have to teach in person students and livestream to students at same time
10 minutes added to beginning and end of day - standard 8 class periods

Survey Results Comments, thoughts, RANT, anything you would like to bring up?

Kids going on again off again with no consistency and parents having to make arrangements in a quick decision intermittent closure seems to be more stressful than just saying yes to virtual learning
We will be flexible based off the COVID-19 numbers for our State and district. So far our numbers are very low, but still apprehensive about going back.
We have been given an outline, not a “plan”
Concerned of going back. Want to teach from home to help my in children.
Been through worse
Our state dept of Ed in Ohio has recommended remote learning . I feel sorry for admins and parents wrestling with this decision.
Since I'm at juvenile hall, I'm not really worried about my students (they are screened, and 2 week quarantined before being moved to a longer term housing unit), it's the adults from Probation who are flip and cavalier about the risk. We have already had one teacher retire (which was an unrelated blessing), but if we were forced to go back face to face, I'd absolutely see a couple of additional retirements. (Humble brag... I won't be able to attend the meeting as I have teacher of the Year interviews, but I would be interested if it's recorded!!)
If going full remote how are student held accountable?
The entire fall semester should be virtual, reassess for the spring and introduce hybrid options both f2f and virtual options
So much still has yet to be thought through. We haven’t worked out specifics for classes that share lab space and how and what level of sanitation will need to happen in between individual students and groups
We can't live like this forever...I am ready to start living again
I am concerned about kids practicing hand washing, social distancing, limited hallway walking etc
Teachers weren’t asked! We’ve been given very little info until this wk. we go back next wk.
While there are a lot of unknowns, unless the goal is to keep people from getting it altogether (which individually is my goal but am thinking from big picture view), I believe we need to cautiously start getting things open and running again. But I am also from a small community with a low number of cases and may feel differently if this virus fatally effected someone I knew.
While I see many countries have returned their students to the classroom, I am worried that, like previous years when I regularly caught student flus and colds even thought I routinely had the flu shot, I will catch a far more insidious COVID. We just don't know enough about this virus.

My class lists are as large as 37 students and there is no physical way I can arrange social distancing. I do not have funds to buy individual supplies. The logistics are extremely worrisome.
Is it over yet 😔
Schools are always underfunded so there potential for many hot spots, Teacher, and student deaths.
I am just wondering if there are any guidelines to follow for labs. I'm afraid if we don't have labs, students will drop.
My district added time to our contract (ten minutes every day), added 15 minutes to the students school day, which in total is 8 school days. They said we could use those days in case we need to make up- they are built in.... but we are not being paid anymore since our contract is by the number of days. The district is claiming this is to “remediate” for time lost last year but let’s be real- those minutes will NEVER go away in the future. I already feel like I am having to do two jobs between having to teach face to face and online... this is probably going to be my pushing point of finding another career after teaching for 12 years.
Families want kids back in school, but it's not going to be the same. I am not sure how to make things work in my classes with new restrictions
My district has not listened to concerns of the teachers-it is all about the money and getting kids back in school.
NYS governor is dragging his feet and allowing some things but not others with the same risk
While the distance “canned” courses aren’t ideal. They are accountable and ready to go.
Does anyone use the Canvas platform? Can you incorporate KP into Canvas?
We all need to help one other
I'm very saddened we are doing remote. I teach at a highly impacted title one school and my students need in-person. I had less than 10% participation in the spring.
My admin is very slow to make plans... they are always afraid they will make the wrong decision, therefore plans are made at the last moment, not thought out fully, and never communicated to staff until it's go time.
I am appalled that districts are requiring teachers to go back in the building. If families have a choice in returning, teachers should too.

Another option would be to have a F2F teaching team and a virtual teaching team. I anticipate that live streaming into the classroom is going to fail miserably. Teachers can't give the same attention to virtual and F2F kids at the same time. It is an unrealistic goal.
CTE schools rely on funding that is given for hands on learning in the past. Teachers have adapted to teach these skills (though not as well) online for safety. Though most traditional schools are starting virtually, CTE is pressured to get students in as quickly as possible. Our POTUS canceled a rally for safety yet pushes schools to reopen. I’m sick of business and money ruling education. Education isn’t about teaching, it’s a business. So sad.
We are going back as babysitters for parents, not for any educational or social gains for students.
Excited about the opportunity to build on my educational instructional abilities.
Just got off Texas ATPE webinar dealing with Covid and Rights of Educators - I feel better about questions answered, BUT this thing keeps evolving and they are still trying to figure it out. Our district is revising plans and will notify us Monday with final details.

Since I'm at juvenile hall, I'm not really worried about my students (they are screened, and 2 week quarantined before being moved to a longer term housing unit), it's the adults from Probation who are flip and cavalier about the risk. We have already had one teacher retire (which was an unrelated blessing), but if we were forced to go back face to face, I'd absolutely see a couple of additional retirements. (Humble brag... I won't be able to attend the meeting as I have teacher of the Year interviews, but I would be interested if it's recorded!!)


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