July 30 Teacher Round Town Hall Table Ep4: Attack of the policies, what are your marching orders?
By July 30 you probably have your instructions as to how you will re-open online or in person. This meeting will focus on your marching orders, how realistic it is and how each state is handling the safety of teachers and staff. We will also continue our conversation on fostering distance relationships using social and emotional development. Come, share your story and be inspired by other teachers as we all work through this “new normal” together. 4 Ways to sign up! Google Form https://forms.gle/ CsnJSZZ8hbNjychF8 Google Calendar https://calendar.google.com/ event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid= MnFxbDNpcW45azgyMW1kaHRvMGxkZT YxY2EgZ2VqcTM0NXZrcGc2bGZ1OWZh MHE5aDBtMjRAZw&tmsrc= gejq345vkpg6lfu9fa0q9h0m24% 40group.calendar.google.com Eventbrite Tickets https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ teacher-round-town-hall-table- ep4-attack-of-the- policiesyour-opening-plan- tickets-114191868954 Facebook Event https://www.facebook.com/ events/287221245899819/ Blast from the ...