
Showing posts from July, 2020

July 30 Teacher Round Town Hall Table Ep4: Attack of the policies, what are your marching orders?

By July 30 you probably have your instructions as to how you will re-open online or in person.  This meeting will focus on your marching orders, how realistic it is and how each state is handling the safety of teachers and staff. We will also continue our conversation on fostering distance relationships using social and emotional development. Come, share your story and be inspired by other teachers as we all work through this “new normal” together. 4 Ways to sign up! Google Form CsnJSZZ8hbNjychF8 Google Calendar event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid= MnFxbDNpcW45azgyMW1kaHRvMGxkZT YxY2EgZ2VqcTM0NXZrcGc2bGZ1OWZh MHE5aDBtMjRAZw&tmsrc= gejq345vkpg6lfu9fa0q9h0m24% Eventbrite Tickets teacher-round-town-hall-table- ep4-attack-of-the- policiesyour-opening-plan- tickets-114191868954 Facebook Event events/287221245899819/ Blast from the ...

Recording of Teacher Round Table Ep3: Mimicking the Magic of the Classroom with Social Emotional Development

Another incredible meeting from teachers around the country. What did you learn the most in this session?  Thank you for watching.   Get your Certificate of Participation Someone brought up that can the meeting get a certificate?  I don’t see why not and the video shows how much PD you get from the meeting.  If you would like one, just ask! As the pandemic spreads, more teachers will not be meeting for the first time face to face with their students. How do we develop a relationship through a screen and mimic the charm of the classroom as we transition from Online Only to Partial to back in the classroom?   Relevant Topics and Ideas Shared During the Meeting How to build a relationship with students online only How to work with parents to get buy in Preparing for adjusting to getting back to the classroom Understanding personalities using tests and surveys Understanding how Video Game choices influence learning style...

Teacher Round Table Ep2: A New Hope Recording

We had discussions on a variety of topics for over an hour and a half and everyone loved the discussion. We even got ZOOM BOMBED by a kid, but fortunately he wasn’t obscene so it was just a bit funny to have him there as we searched to kick him. Here is the recording from our second Teacher Round Table: A New Hope.   A DOC to Rule them All One thing we agreed on is the need to have a comprehensive source for best practices.  Many teachers shared their ideas and successes that having this can be used by any teacher seeing ideas.  Here’s the link to the doc and it will be populated by you to share with all.   A Culture Shift??? Matt brought up a very interesting observation on the topic of engagement, saying he’s seen a change in students for the past 2 years.  I said it’s post millennials so what do we call them?  I call the...

First Teacher Round Table a SUCCESS!!!

Our first Teacher Round Zoom Table was a sensational success! "Teacher therapy" "Inspirational" "I got more out of this than any meetings I've had" "It's nice to hear what other states are doing." Yes, the video is over an hour and a half but just ask any teacher who participated it was worth every minute, and I didn't do much of the talking! Imagine being captivated for over an hour in a discussion about what we will need to prepare for come Fall. Sit back, relax and listen to this session and get inspired. Share this with any teacher who n eeds inspiration and mention it's totally worth it. Everyone agreed that we need to do this again, so I will schedule another one after the 4th. Please say what you thought about this session! Session begins at 6:00 with chit chat about BBQ & Chinese food in the beginning.